Tuesday, 22 May 2007

GUIDE! (sticky)

WHAT: If you don't know what a flashmob is, click here and find out! it's basically a group of people that appear out of nowehere and all do the same thing for a very short time then disappear! It's just for fun and when you see one in effect it looks amazing!

WHEN: Saturday 26th May 2007 - That's this Saturday preceisely on the 1 O' Clock gun!

WHERE: Basically on Princes Street, beside the National Gallery! You know, where the bottom of the Mound steps are, there's a big bit of paving beside the gallery - there's a 3D map of the area just there too. Have a look on a map!

WHAT TO DO: OK - so show up 5 or 10 minutes before 1pm and when you hear the gun go off a man in a HOODY and a RED HAT will head to the middle of the paving and pretend to tie his shoelace but come back up....with his fingers arranged like a gun!

The man he points his fingers at will then pull a fingers pistol on him so they are against each other. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! You and everyone else in the flashmob will appear to come from nowhere to point their fingers like a gun at everyone else around you in the flashmob!

HOLD FOR A FEW SECONDS! As soon as the first 'shooter' yells "BANG!" you should also shout BANG! and everyone falls down!

Then just get up and get on with your normal lives!

CONFUSED?: This has been done before but we are looking to see if Edinburgh can pull it off like it has been in other countries! Have a look here for the XBOX commercial that inspired the trend. Here is a similar flashmob taking place in a college in America. Here's another one that happened in Europe! One of the inspirations is the finger-gun fights in Spaced!